CLUSTER advanCing youth and women sociaL inclUSion in The MEditeRranean
CLUSTER advanCing youth and women sociaL inclUSion in The mEditerRanean is a project that aims to promote social inclusion and the fight against poverty.

Time Frame



تفاصيل المشروع
CLUSTER Advancing Youth and Women Social Inclusion in the Mediterranean is implemented in 7 countries in the Mediterranean; Italy, Cyprus, France, Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia under the lead of Spain through The European Institute of the Mediterranean. The project is implemented with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme.
CLUSTER project is implemented in Palestine in partnership with the Business Women’s Forum in order to increase the professionalization of NEETS mainly women and to introduce the social economy as a key player in improving employment policies together with Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions and the private sector.
The objective of CLUSTER project
To address NEETs and Women unemployment in the Mediterranean by tackling:
- Train, upskill and reskill NEETs and women to adapt to the needs of the labour market in sustainable sectors
- Reinforce links between TVET, the private and the social economy sector
- Engage public institutions and policy-makers in providing a supportive environment for employment policies and to include the social and the environmental priorities in employment policies
Targeted group in CLUSTER project:
- Not Employed, Not Educated or Not Trained young people in particular women, between 18-30 years who are interested in sustainable economic sectors targeted within the project; Green Economy, Blue Economy, Circular Economy and Sustainable Agriculture.
- Trainers from TVET institutions
- Representatives of the private sector in the Green Economy, Blue Economy, Circular Economy and Sustainable Agriculture
- Public authorities and policy makers