TURBO is a three-year development project (2017- 2019) funded by AICS, Italian Agency for development cooperation, the project based upon a linking relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) approach.

Time Frame



تفاصيل المشروع
The project aims to strengthen the resilience of 1.9 rural communities in the Northern Jordan valley in the Tubas governorate of the west bank. The project aims to support the establishment of women’s social enterprises, through analyzing the production chain and selecting the best initiatives leaded by women, provide intensive capacity building programme including training in SMEs management and entrepreneurship as well as deliver customized technical coaching; in addition to provide support to MSMEs development through product development interventions and branding support, as well as provide marketing support and facilitate the linkages and networking with new customers.
The objectives of TURBO project
The specific objective of the project is to encourage the permanence in the territory of economic agriculture experience in the governorate of tubas, strengthen their protection, business environment and value chain for an inclusive development through:
- Improve the protection essential to build socio economic development for the vulnerable communities
- Implement entrepreneurship initiatives for the management of agriculture production in the vulnerable communities in Area C
Targeted group in TURBO project:
Female and women entrepreneurs and MSMEs located in 19 communities of the governorate of tubas in area C.
Services and activities provided with TURBO project:
- In this project, BWF implemented and developed 14 women entrepreneurship initiatives mainly in the agricultural production sector after implementing a series of interventions that included analyzing the production chain, studying the local value chains, assessing the needs, and providing more than 420 hours in training and building capacity activities in multiple administrative and technical aspects for more than aspects of 70 women from the targeted areas.
- The building capacity activity covered topics as entrepreneurship and creativity, management for SMEs, finance and marketing among another topic. Additionally, BWF provided more than 50 personalized technical coaching and follow up sessions customized per the need of each SMEs such as farm management, greenhouse management, good agricultural practices, natural soap manufacturing, production of natural honey cream, kitchen management, production of healthy food, improving the quality of traditional dairy products and making unconventional dairy products such as Turkish yogurt and ricotta cheese.
- A study tour for women entrepreneurs was also carried out to exchange good practices and experiences with successful projects and institutions in Bologna, Italy. As well BWF provided marketing support and linkages for SMEs that included building the visual identity and branding service in addition to find new market.