Reform and Development Markets, Value Chain, and Producer Project “MAP”
The MAP project implemented and funded by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (“FAO”) with Business Women Forum in the period between (2020 – 2021).

Time Frame
1 year

96,130 usd

West Bank and Gaza

40 women-led agribusinesses
6 Cooperative associations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
تفاصيل المشروع
The MAP project’s general objective is to enable more inclusive and efficient agriculture and food system at local, national and international levels; special attention to women and young people by:
- Development of the economic and social ecosystem to improve access to information and knowledge related to opportunities and the development of livelihoods related community infrastructure;
- Increased opportunities for the employability of women and youth in the West Bank through the VIVES Employability methodology;
- Supporting initiatives for the entrepreneurship of women and youth to establish and/ or expand their business in the West Bank and Gaza.
Targeted group in MAP project:
- Women led agribusiness in WB and Gaza.
- Women Agribusiness consortium
The services, activities within MAP project:
- 30 Women- led agribusiness in both WB and Gaza are successfully trained and coached on gender equality and empowerment in order to enhance their post-harvest capacities and services for increased value chain addition.
- 4 women led agribusinesses implemented pilots under the project in both the WB and Gaza and successfully provided with tailored training based on the scope and requirements of the pilot in order build on market demand.
- 2 consortia of women led agribusiness connected with potential buyers and producers through business matching events in order to promote their capacities as entities specialized in marketing and promote the gender equality in this part of the agribusiness supply chain.
- Study report of consultative analysis for more effective integration of women and women lead agribusiness in the food/ agriculture value chain.