Women and Youth Entrepreneurs Leading Change – “OBADER”
The project “Women and Youth Entrepreneurs Leading Change - OBADER” implemented by CARE International (West Bank / Gaza) in cooperation with the Ministry of National Economy; in partnership with the Government of Canada for a period of four years (2

Time Frame
4 years (2018- 2022)

820,933 usd

Southern and central West Bank (including Nablus Governorate) and the Gaza Strip.

219 women entrepreneurs including representatives of women cooperatives
تفاصيل المشروع
OBADER implemented in partnership with the Business Women’s Forum and Center for Continuing Education at Birzeit University in the West Bank, and with Save Youth Future Society and the Small Enterprises Center in the Gaza Strip.
OBADER project aimed to promote empowerment and economic prosperity for women and youth entrepreneurs (female and male) with low and medium incomes
The objective of OBADER project:
- To promote the empowerment and economic prosperity of women and youth (female and male) of low and middle income in the southern and central West Bank (including Nablus Governorate) and the Gaza Strip.
- To improve the regulatory and supportive environment for youth and women entrepreneurship, reduce the structural, environmental and social obstacles facing young and women entrepreneurs in establishing and managing their projects,
- To enhance the role of women and youth entrepreneurs by participating and benefiting from opportunities available in the local market and enhancing their capabilities to face social challenges. and economic.
- To encourage women and youth owners of existing medium, small and micro business, in the traditional and non-traditional sectors, and those with innovative entrepreneurial ideas to access services and improve the performance of their existing projects, or support them to establish profitable, growing, financially and environmentally sustainable projects.
Targeted group in OBADER project:
- Women entrepreneurs who own existing medium, small and micro enterprises
The services provided within OBADER project:
- Services to enhance the concepts and skills of women's entrepreneurship
- Services to develop and build the capacities of women entrepreneurs in several areas, including - but not limited to - market study, planning and writing of business plans, project management, financial management, and skills related to access to information.
- Service to improve the capabilities and opportunities of women entrepreneurs in order to reach an environment that helps them build and develop their business.
- Service to enhance accessing to financial resources.
- Service to enhance to specialized technical services.
- Service to enhance to local and foreign markets.