In 2015, Sana Sawafta (36 years old), who lives in the village of Bardala in the northern Jordan Valley, decided to take another step and turn her cooking hobby into money, an idea that was supported by her family.
Due to her shy personality, Sana found it difficult to start her own project, but the poor financial situation in the household prompted her to pursue her dream and set the goal of meeting the family's needs by establishing the 'Kitchen Project'.
Sana joined the Tubas Rural Business Opportunities and Social Innovation (TURBO) implemented by Business Women Forum - Palestine (BWF). In the process, she learned about a professional baking and pastry training in Ramallah that included recipes for traditional Palestinian dishes.
"The training brought me to a whole new level of professionalism in a short period of time that would have otherwise taken me years," Sana' said of the three-month training, noting that she now bakes the best cakes in her village.
"For me, the training was an important source of knowledge - especially in terms of procurement management," she said. She learned about procurement priorities and sources of production inputs.
Under the project (TURBO), Sana received a grant that enabled her to purchase needed equipment such as an Arabic oven and an electric stove, as well as a slicer, a blender and a freezer. She was also provided with raw materials for the manufacturing process, which helped her increase production.
“Salt and sugar sprinkles" was the name of Sana's project, which enabled her to produce more than 400 pieces of pastry a day. The training also influenced her personality, making her stronger and more independent.
Now Sana' dreams of opening a large commercial kitchen that can provide employment opportunities for other women in her village.
