Wafa Faqha (39 years old) lives in the village of 'Ain El-Beida. She is a strong woman who has to deal with difficult living conditions. After her husband retired and two of her children went to college, Wafa’ has been trying to find a career.
In her village in the northern Jordan Valley, Wafa’ heard about the Tubas Rural Business Opportunities and Social Innovation (TURBO) project run by the Business Women Forum - Palestine (BWF). She joined the project after attending an awareness workshop.
At that time, she was depressed and unable to do any outdoor activities. As a result, the project leaders encouraged her to continue and take further steps to start her own project. "Participating in the project helped me improve my state of mind and attitude towards life," Wafa’ said.
She chose to raise sheep because the northern Jordan Valley is rich in green pastures and has suitable climatic conditions. "I had already undergone special training that included milk production and dairy processing," she added.
Wafa’ was eager to feed her family with the new cheeses she had made during the training. Once she was fully qualified, the project (TURBO) granted her 7 pregnant ewes - and she managed to handle them properly under the supervision of an agricultural engineer.
Wafa’ was delighted when she saw the ewes running and jumping in the field with their lambs. Now she feeds the sheep every morning, milks them, makes cheese - and then sells the milk and dairy products. Her husband and son also help her every day.
