Business Women Form
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About Us

The Business Women Forum (BWF) is a national non-profit organization established in 2006, to promote and empower the role of businesswomen and entrepreneurs as leaders in the Palestinian economy through advocacy, aiming to create an enabling environment for women in Palestine. BWF works through a comprehensive methodology through provision of business development packages including capacity building, coaching, consultancy and technical support necessary for business, enhancing access to markets, financing, and knowledge.

Since its establishment, BWF’s activities are built on the three main pillars:

  • Business development services and entrepreneurship: Building capacity of women entrepreneurs and young female graduates through providing training, coaching, role modeling, mentoring, access to information, access to market, access to finance, consultation and registration of businesses in the formal sector. 


  • Advocacy: Advocacy and promotion of women related issues in the business sector by creating partnerships and allies with the main players in the ecosystem. BWF became the voice of women in the business and entrepreneurship sector. 


  • Networking: BWF provides a platform for women to expand their connections, to create and expand business linkages between women entrepreneurs.
About Us


“Empowering business women, female innovators and entrepreneurs to contribute in developing a resilient Palestinian economy"

About Us


To strengthen the competitiveness of Palestinian businesswomen and female entrepreneurs through building capacities, enhance access to markets, and advocating an enabling environment for business women in Palestine”


About Us


Women Empowerment: empowering women to take on leadership roles in the Palestinian economy

Professionalism: BWF values professionalism and upholds high standards in its work

Innovation, Creativity & Dedication: BWF is committed to provide differently

Change and impact focused

Proactive approach: committed to taking initiatives

BWF and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Working to make the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals a reality for women and stand behind women’s equal participation in Palestinian economy, BWF implements:
People - SDG 5:

People - SDG 5:

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (5.5)
Prosperity - SDG8:

Prosperity - SDG8:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all (8.5)
Prosperity - SDG9:

Prosperity - SDG9:

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation (9.2 - 9.3)
Planet - SDG 12:

Planet - SDG 12:

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (12.5 - 12.6)

Strategic Objectives:

1. Expand influence and advocacy. 

2. Expanding national and international networks.

3. Enhance services and values.

4. Enrich capacity and resources.