Livelihood Initiative to Foster Employability and Entrepreneurship for Palestinians- LIFE Palestine
The project LIFE PALESTINE is implemented by Action Against Hunger in partnership with Business Women Forum and funded by La Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)

Time Frame
4 years (2019-2023)

215,000 EURO

West Bank (Bethlehem and Hebron)

20 women-owned/run MSMEs and 40 graduates
The objective of LIFE PALESTINE project:
The project’s general objective is to improve livelihood opportunities for people affected by the conflict in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with special attention to women and young people by:
- Development of the economic and social ecosystem to improve access to information and knowledge related to opportunities and the development of livelihoods related community infrastructure;
- Increased opportunities for the employability of women and youth in the West Bank through the VIVES Employability methodology;
- Supporting initiatives for the entrepreneurship of women and youth to establish and/ or expand their business in the West Bank and Gaza.
Targeted group in LIFE PALESTINE project:
- Women SMEs from Hebron and Bethlehem Governorates.
- Female fresh graduated, unemployed from Hebron and Bethlehem Governorates.
The services and Activities within LIFE PALESTINE project:
- Employability training for female participants according to VIVES methodology.
- Securing internship opportunities for female participants who received the Employability training
- Entrepreneurship training female participants, according to BWF Methodology for Capacity Building.
- 2 exhibitions for of best SMEs.
- Managing seed funds of 3000 Euro as starting capital for 5 of the best SMEs.
- 2 closing ceremonies with certificates for employment shuttle participants
- 2 local job fairs for employment shuttle participants.
- Conducting One to one coaching for employment shuttle participant.