One Stop Shop OSS – Women Champions project
Promoting Women’s Equal Access to Economic Opportunities and Decent Work in Palestine.

Time Frame



The OSS – Women Champions is 13 Months project implemented by BWF implemented the Business Women Forum in partnership with Headway Academy in the period between 2018 to 2019 under the framework of ”Decent Work for Women”; the joint program which implemented by UN Women and ILO and funded by the Italian cooperation.
The objective of The OSS 2 project:
The OSS project’s general objective is to develop and promote the business of the marginalized women entrepreneurs who own or run MSMEs from the West Bank and Gaza Strip to achieve the outcomes of empowering them and improving their capabilities to run their businesses, setting role models for successful women entrepreneurs as well as improving their families' living standards through:
- Improving the MSMEs’ access to sustainable economic opportunities through adopting an innovative role model and mentorship approach to provide business development and entrepreneurship services for women.
- Enhancing targeted women’s access to finance and decent work opportunities.
- Improving product quality as well as their supply chains.
- Facilitate projects registry at the Chamber of Commerce as well as the Ministry of Economy.
- Engaging women in advocacy dialogue and interventions.
- Improve market access to MSMEs through networking with local, regional, and international markets
- Engage MSMEs in local, regional, and international exhibitions.
- Promoting decent work principles through enhancing women’s knowledge of these principles to ensure a better and decent work environment for women employees with the targeted women entrepreneurs.
Targeted group in OSS 2 project:
- Marginalized women entrepreneurs own or run MSMEs from West Bank and Gaza Strip
The services, Activities within OSS 2 project:
- Services and activities to increase the capacity of the project target group for managing and running their businesses.
- Services and activities to enhance the capacity of the project target group to participate in trade through trade facilitation and product development
- Services and activities to enhance financial capacity and business readiness 50% the project target group in West provision of small grants.